UNACCEPTABLE?! – English theatre in Andelsbuch
- 3. März 2023
- Posted by: Beer Theresia
- Category: Allgemein

“Finding out what those around you are thinking and feeling can be surprising, upsetting, shocking, joyous, but importantly, enlightening. It makes for a good society”. (Clive Duncan)
Last Thursday the first, second and third forms of our school watched the performance of ‘Unacceptable’ in Andelsbuch. This English theatre play, which was performed by the Schooltours group of Vienna´s English Theatre, tells the interesting story of two patients at a secure psychiatric unit.
Lee and Frankie are the main characters. They are teenagers and their behaviour is considered to be ‘unacceptable’. Lee has anger issues and got locked up when he hit his teacher. Frankie is the total opposite; she has anxiety issues and has not spoken to anyone in the last three months. Over time Lee finds his outlet for aggression – MUSIC. And that is exactly the way how Lee and Frankie finally connect. Through music they open up to each other and try to understand their emotions. As a team they begin to work on themselves and achieve progress in their therapy.
The acting was very great. It was impressive how the actors managed to play and at the same time change and adapt the stage for the different situations. The language was easy to understand. So all in all, it was an amazing performance.
Lena Bereuter & Alina Dorner, II. HAK

Fotos: schooltours.at